Marriage Announcement - Henry Deters/Mary Zerrusen (1924)

Marriage Announcement - Henry Deters/Mary Zerrusen (1924)



Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Meislahn Of Montrose Celebrated Silver Wedding At Montrose Sunday.


Mr. Henry Deters and Miss Mary Zerrusen were united in marriage Tuesday morning, Oct. 28, 1924 at the eight o'clock High Mass, St. Francis church, Teutopolis, Ill. Mr. Albert Deters, brother of the groom and Miss Catherine Pruemer, an intimate friend of the bride, were attendants. Rev. Fr. Hildebrand Fuchs, O. F. M., pastor of St. Francis church, officiated.

After Mass breakfast was served at Mrs. Henry Schoenhoffs' for the bridal couple and attendants whereupon they motored to the home of the bride's parents to spend a day of feasting and merriment among the members of the respective families and invited near neighbors.

For the musement of the young friends of the newly-weds a wedding dance was held at Schoenhoff Bros' pavilion in the evening which was largely attended and enjoyed to a late hour.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Deters of southeast of of town, a young progressive farmer, and the charming bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Zerrusen, Sr. of St. Francis township.

The newly-weds will go to house keeping on a farm, with new house and barn lately built thereon, which lies about a mile northeast of the old Deter's homestead.

THE PRESS heartily joins their many friends in extending to them good wishes and felicitations on the new path of life they have mutually agreed to travel.

Media object
Henry Deters - Mary Zerrusen (1924) Marriage Announcement
Henry Deters - Mary Zerrusen (1924) Marriage Announcement
Note on source

The Teutopolis Press. Thursday, October 30, 1924.
A microfilm copy can be found in the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield, IL.

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February 15, 202306:29:12
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123 6 55 67 Friday, February 24, 2023 6:16 AM
123 6 29 94 Friday, February 24, 2023 6:17 AM
186 6 96 89 Saturday, February 18, 2023 11:24 AM
158 6 77 81 Saturday, February 18, 2023 8:04 AM
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26 19 132 6 Friday, February 17, 2023 9:26 AM
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