Obituary - Henry Deters (1901)

Obituary - Henry Deters (1901)

Henry W. Deters, Area Farmer, Dies Suddenly
Mr. Henry W. Deters
Mr. Henry W. Deters, 67, well known farmer and insurance agent in St. Francis Township died unexpectedly in his home on Sunday, March 16, 1969 at 4:00 P. M.
Mr. Deters had been in ill health for the past two years. He suffered a stroke two years ago.
Mr. Deters was born May 17, 1901, the son of Anton G. Deters and Elizabeth Pruemer Deters. He was married to Mary Zerrusen on October 28, 1924. and they resided all of their married life on a farm southeast of Teutopolis. He was very active in the Home Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, having served in the capacity of agent, treasurer, and president for 35 years. He was a member of the Holy Name Society. He was active in the United Fund for the past ten years.
Surviving in addition to his wife, Mary, are two sons, Cletus of Teutopolis and Arthur, who lives in the homeplace, four daughters, Mrs. Luella (Joe) Will of Teutopolis, Mrs. Rosemary (Leonard) Grueul of Sigel, Mrs. Eileen (Charles) Moon of Effingham, and Mrs. Dolores (Bernard) Will of Heartville, twenty-eight grandchildren, one brother Albert J., and one sister, Miss Emma Deters of Teutopolis.
Preceeding his in death were his parents, two brothers, Edward and John, and one sister, Clara.
The body was at Habing's Funeral Home in Teutopolis where the rosary was recited on Monday and Tuesday evening. The Funeral Mass was at 10:00 A. M. in St. Francis Church on Wednesday, March 19, 1969 with Father Ralph Scherrer O. F. M., officiating. Burial was in the parish cemetery.
Pallbearers were Joe Pals, James Koester, Lawrence Tegeler, Robert Kemme, Albert Lau, and Anthony Rieman, all neighbors.

Media object
Henry Deters (1901) Obituary
Henry Deters (1901) Obituary
Note on source

The Teutopolis Press. Thursday, March 20, 1969.
A microfilm copy can be found in the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield, IL.

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December 4, 201422:41:02
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