Obituary - Maria Roepkin (1837)

Obituary - Maria Roepkin (1837)

Mrs. Anton Deters Dead.
Mrs. Anton Deters died at the home of her son, Anton, in St. Francis township Friday night after an illnes of long duration. Her death was not unexpected as she had been very low for some time and her age made recovery seem doubtful. She would have been 71 years the 22nd of this month had she lived. She was well known to a large circle of friends having resided in St. Francis twownship for the past 44 years. She was a good women and an upright Christian. Her death will be mourned by many.
Mary Angela Roepkin was born at Hoelse, Hanover, Germany, on Jan. 22, 1837. She became the wife of Anton Deters in 1860 and to the union nine children were born, three of whom are living. Mrs. Henry Niendiek of Dieterich, Mrs. Wm. G. Pruemer and Anton. In 1860 she came to this country with her husband and located at St. Laborie, Ill., and after a residence of three years there they came to St. Francis township and resided ever since.
The funeral took place Saturday morning at nine o'clock from the Catholic church and was largely attended.

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Maria Roepkin (1837) Obituary
Maria Roepkin (1837) Obituary
Note on source

The Teutopolis Press. Thursday, January 16, 1908.
A microfilm copy can be found in the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield, IL.

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