Marriage Announcement - Harry Grindley/Dorothy Satterfeal (1948)

Marriage Announcement - Harry Grindley/Dorothy Satterfeal (1948)


Miss Dorothy Satterfeal, daughter of George Satterfeal of this city, and Harry Grindley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glifford Grindley of Mahomet, were united in marriage at 2:45 p. m., Friday, Oct. 8, in the Methodist parsonage at Bloomington. The Rev. E. E. Etherton performed the single ring ceremony.

The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Satterfeal of this city, brother and sister-in-law of the bride.

The bride was attired in a gray suit with black accessories and wore a corsage of red roses and white carnations. Mrs. Satterfeal also wore grey with brown accessories and a corsage fashioned after the bride's.

The couple took a short wedding trip to Rochelle and are now at home in Mahomet.

Mrs. Grindley was graduated from Moore high school with the class of 1945 and has been employed at the local telephone office until a few weeks ago, when she transferred to the Mahomet office.

Mr. Grindley attended the Mahomet schools and served for some time with the armed forces. He is employed with the C. A. Petry and Son contractors in Champaign and commutes daily.

Media object
Harry Grindley - Dorothy Satterfeal (1948) Marriage Announcement
Harry Grindley - Dorothy Satterfeal (1948) Marriage Announcement
Note on source

The Farmer City Journal, Thursday, October 14, 1948
A microfilm copy can be found in the Farmer City public library.

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