Obituary - Herman Westendorf (1875) (2nd)

Obituary - Herman Westendorf (1875) (2nd)

Funeral Services For Herman Westendorf

Funeral services were held Friday for Herman G. Westendorf at St. Aloysius church Bishop. Rev. Anthony Wagner, O.F.M., officiated with burial in the parish cemetery.

Casketbearers were Francis Westendorf, John Niemerg, Joseph Korette, and Clarence, Joe and Roman Hartke, neighbors.

Mr. Westerndorf who was 80 years of age died last Tuesday in St. Anthony hospital where he had been a patient for two weeks.

He leaves his wife, Katherine, three sons, five daughters, one sister, one brother, and 26 grandchildren.

Media object
Herman Westendorf (1875) Obit (2nd)
Herman Westendorf (1875) Obit (2nd)
Note on source

The Teutopolis Press. Thursday, November 17, 1955.
A microfilm copy can be found in the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield, IL.

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February 10, 202320:32:22
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