Obituary - Catherine Pruemer (1875)
Mrs. Frank Hoelscher Dead Mrs. Katharina Hoelscher, wife of Frank Hoelscher, died peacefully at her home, two miles north-west of Dieterich, Sunday, Dec. 22nd, at 5:00 p. m. of tuberculosis. Deceased had been in ill health for several months. At times she seemed to rally but finally she was compelled to answer the call of the angel of death. She was a model wife and mother ever ready to administer to the wants of her loved ones, a loyal member of St. Aloy's parish and married ladies' sodality, at Bishop. Departed was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Pruemer, who with her husband and six children: Sophie, Kathryn, Leo, John, Louis and Jos. bemoan her death. In addition to these she is survived by two brothers, William and John and one sister, Mrs. Barney Deters. Two sisters, Mrs. Herman and Mrs. Barney Westendorf having preceded her to the Great Beyond some years ago. She attained an age of 43 years, 9 months and 28 days. Interment was made at Bishop cemetery, Dec. 24th, 1918 at 9:30 a. m. and attended by a large circle of sorrowing relatives and friends of the deceased. Rev. Fr. Benedict Pfeifer, O.F.M., local pastor officiated. This paper extends heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. |
Media object
Catherine Pruemer (1875) Obit |
Note on source
The Teutopolis Press. Thursday, December 26, 1918. |
Last change
Author of last change: nwagers |
Unique identifier
Given names | Surname | Sosa | Birth | Place | Death | Age | Place | Last change | ||||||||
6 | 106 | F | YES | YES | ||||||||||||
Given names | Surname | Age | Given names | Surname | Age | Marriage | Place | Last change | |||||
Media | Title | Individuals | Families | Sources | Last change |
Title | Individuals | Families | Media objects | Sources | Last change |