Marriage Announcement - Bobby Franklin/Della Satterfeal (1952)

Marriage Announcement - Bobby Franklin/Della Satterfeal (1952)


Miss Della Satterfeal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Satterfeal of this city and Bobby Franklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Franklin of Urbana, and Miss Sandra DuFrane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John DuFrane of Urbana and Airman Charles E. Holderfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Holderfield of Mobile, Ala., were united in marriage in a double ceremony at 6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 15.

Rev. Frank Ebright performed the ceremony in the Methodist church at Tuscola.

Mrs. Franklin wore an orchid suit with black accessories and a red rose corsage, while Mrs. Holderfield wore a navy dress with navy accessories and a red rose corsage.

Both couples will reside in Urbana.

Media object
Bobby Franklin - Della Satterfeal (1952) Marriage Announcement
Bobby Franklin - Della Satterfeal (1952) Marriage Announcement
Note on source

The Farmer City Journal. Thursday, October 2nd, 1952.
A microfilm copy can be found in the Farmer City public library.

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