Obituary - Doris Leveck (1904)

Obituary - Doris Leveck (1904)

Satterfeal Funeral

FARMER CITY.- (PNS) -Funeral services for Doris Edna Satterfeal, 43, who died Monday in Brokaw hospital, Normal, will be at 2 p. m. Thursday afternoon at Stensels' Funeral home. the Rev. Fred R. Harrold, pastor of the Christian church, will officiate. Burial will be in Maple Grove cemetery.

Media object
Doris Leveck (1904) Obit
Doris Leveck (1904) Obit
Note on source

The Pantagraph (Bloomington, IL) Wednesday, Jan 8th, 1947
A microfilm copy can be found at the Bloomington public library

Last change
June 23, 202022:47:11
Author of last change: nwagers
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120 10 77 42 Sunday, February 26, 2023 3:57 AM
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Title Individuals Families Media objects Sources Last change