Memo - Jennie Carlson (1867)

Memo - Jennie Carlson (1867)

Mrs. Jennie Carlson died Nov. 5, 1932. Born April 7, 1867 at Urika, Sweden. Her maiden name was Nelson. She was a long time resident of Dawson Township. She came to United States at the age of 16, settling first at Marengo. On Nov. 11, 1886 she was married to Charles A. Carlson who died 1930. Six children were born to this union, five of whom survive: Albert, Andrew, Mrs. Mary Cox, and Mrs. Frances Wagers, all living in this community and August of Rankin. Two brothers, Andrew Heig of Ellsworth and John Peterson of Portland Ore. She was a member of Methodist Protestant Church at Ellsworth. Burial Oak Grove Cemetery.

Note on source

The author of this memo is unknown. It was found in the Oak Grove Cemetery Records at the LeRoy public library. I tried unsucessfully to locate Urika, Sweden. It is likely Ulrika.

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