Article - James Satterfeal/Gladys Woosley Anniversary

Article - James Satterfeal/Gladys Woosley Anniversary

Leo Satterfeals to observe golden year

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Satterfeal of Le Roy will observe their 50th wedding anniversary Thursday.

The former Irene Woosley, daughter of the Otis Woosleys, and Mr. Satterfeal were married Feb. 24, 1922. His parents are the Shive Satterfeals.

Attendants were the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Klunch.

The Satterfeals have lived in the Le Roy and Downs area all of their married life. They have 10 children, James, Ellsworth; Mrs. Vivian Mosson, Vernon, Roy and Mrs. Juanita Dagley, all of Le Roy; Mrs. Marilyn Quaid, Wapella; Mrs. Carol Sieg, 112 Magoun; Mrs. Janet Martin, Hudson; and Kenneth, Le Roy. One son is deceased.

There are 27 grandchildren.

An open house will be hosted by the couple's children Sunday, Feb. 27, from 2 to 5 p.m. at Le Roy Community Center. No invitations are being sent.

Media object
James Satterfeal - Gladys Woosley (1922) Marriage Anniversary
James Satterfeal - Gladys Woosley (1922) Marriage Anniversary
Note on source

The Pantagraph (Bloomington IL). February 20th, 1972.
A microfilm copy can be found in the Bloomington public library.

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June 24, 202002:43:07
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