Marriage License - Eli Wykuff/Catherine Cary (1857)

Marriage License - Eli Wykuff/Catherine Cary (1857)

Eli Wykuff To Miss Catherine Cary Jary 3 1856 Ch Raphail Pastor of Teutopolis.

Note on source

This record was very hard to read. "Jary" was an abreviation for January. The year was possibly 1857. The last digit is a "6" and "7" written on top of each other. The Archives website has it listed as 1857. It might be clear on the microfilm which is correct. The last part is in a column labeled "By Whom Certified." "Ch" and "Pastor of" were the only parts that were clear. I guessed it was possibly Teutopolis and found that a Father Raphael served as the pastor from July 1854 to Nov 1856. The passage didn't say why he left St Francis but mentioned that he died. Based on that information I think that 1856 is correct.

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
25 24 168 8 Never
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