John Bernard Pruemer, an aged and respected citizen of South St. Francis died peacefully and resigned at his home Saturday, October 8th, 1921, at four o'clock in the morning. Mr. Pruemer had been suffering with rheumatism and stomach trouble for a number of years though never so severe as to be abed.
Funeral rites were held in St. Francis church, Monday morning at nine o'clock, October 10th, followed by interment in the parish cemetery. Many relatives, neighbors and friends of Mr. Pruemer participated in the church services and interment of the deceased. Those present from out of boundaries of the parish were: County Judge Barney Overbeck, County Clerk, John C. Craver, Sheriff James Marshall, Frank Herbert and wife all of Effingham, Frank Hemme and sister, Henry Aptke, Barney Haskenherms and wife all of Lillyville; John Westendorf, Barney Westendorf and children, Herman G. Westendorf and children, Jos. Niemerg, Sr., John Mette, Joseph Mette and wife, Lawrence Probst, Joseph Cremer and mother all of Bishop; Joseph Deters, son, Leo and son-in-law, Jos. Westendorf, Henry Niendiek and son, Tony, Mrs. Herman Westendorf and children all of Dieterich; August Behrens, son, Wm. and daughter, John Garbe and wife, Albert Garbe and wife, Fred Moellenkamp and wife, Wm. Behrens Sr., and wife all of St. Paul's Lutheran parish, Island Grove. Rev. Theodosius Plassmeyer, O. F. M. pastor of our parish officiated in church and at the grave. Mr. Pruemer was a live-long member of St. Peter's Men's Sodality who attended the exequies in a body.
John Bernard Pruemer was born at Suedkirchen Regiesunugsbezirk, Westphailia, Germany, as the son of Wm. G. Pruemer and wife, (nee Lentfort) July 25th, 1843. In July 1848 the family emigrated to this country on a sailship. After a stormy and perilous voyage (had fire aboard) of eight weeks the landed at New Orleans where they took the steamboat to St. Louis. From the latter place the prairieschoonered, the wheels of which were cut from a sycamore log and the screeching thereof could be heard for miles, over rough roads to Teutopolis. Here they lived in an old log shanty fro some time until they began farming in South St. Francis, Here Mr. Pruemer lived and died.
He attended school in a log building, with a fire-place at Bishop Creek, district 30 and made his first Holy Communion at Green Creek. On Nov. 21st, 1870 he was wedded to Miss Elizabeth Schoenhoff of Teutopolis, sister of our towns men Barney and Henry Schoenhoff. Rev Mathias Hiltermann O. F. M. performed the ceremony. To this union were born the following children: Wm. G. living on the old home place and supervisor of St. Francis township, (Elizabeth) Mrs. Tony Deters, (Kate dead) Mrs. Frank Hoelscher, John B. (Anna dead) Mrs. Barney Westendorf and (Mary deceased) Mrs. Herman Westendorf all of this neighborhood. He is survived by his wife, three children and 22 grandchildren. November 21st, 1920 he had the happiness to celebrate his fiftieth wedding anniversary with his children, grandchildren, relatives, neighbors and friends in a great glee like in olden times.
THE PRESS expresses heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family.
We the undersigned take this method of thanking heartily Rev. Father Theodosius O. F. M. for his kind words of sympathy and spiritual assistance our well meaning neighbors and friends for their works of mercy shown us before and after death of our dear husband and father