Obituary - John Nosbisch (1875) (2nd)

Obituary - John Nosbisch (1875) (2nd)

Funeral Services Held of John Nosbisch

Funeral services were held Friday morning in St. Francis church for John Nosbisch, age 80, who passed away Tuesday at his home. A solemn requiem mass was sung. Fr. Constantine Bach, O.F.M., was the celebrant and Fr. Joel and Fr. Myron were deacon and subdeacon. Burial was in St. Francis cemetery.

Pallbearers were Ferd Zerrusen, Ralph Thoele, Gus Deters, Henry Hoelscher, Frank Drees, and Tony Waldhoff.

Mr. Nosbisch had been ill for several years. He leaves his wife, Mary, six children, one brother, five sisters, and 12 grandchildren.

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Obituaries/John Nosbisch (1875) Obit (2nd).jpg
Obituaries/John Nosbisch (1875) Obit (2nd).jpg
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